Hiroshi Nonami (born. in 1954-, Shimane, Japan) is a Japanese photographer known for his gothic, dreamlike photographs of statuesque women.  His fantastic style, which makes full use of multiple exposures and advanced darkroom techniques, has earned him a unique position in the world of commercial photography. He has also photographed visual-kei rock bands such as Lunacy and has an immense female fan base.

After graduating from Osaka College of Photography (now Visual Arts) in 1974, he worked in the photography studio of a printing company before going independent in 1979. 

He has released a new photo book "Mousa" after five years since his LUNA SEA photo book "ZOE" and Makiko Esumi's photo book "E-MODE."

His works are not computer-generated or computer-processed but all hand-made, and they radiate an overwhelming and unique view of the world.

He is currently working on advertising photos for Nightmare, Yin-Yang-Za, Gekidan Shinkansen, Takarazuka Revue, and many other music and stage productions.

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