Zdzisław Beksiński ( 24 February 1929 – 21 February 2005) was a Polish painter, photographer, and sculptor, specializing in the field of dystopian surrealism. He is know as BEKSINSKI. 

Beksinski made his paintings and drawings in what he called either a Baroque or a Gothc manner. His work is divided into two periods, first dealt with the depiction of surreal doomsday scenarios with expressionistic colors and utopian realism. The second one focused on abstract style with formalism at its center.

The first job he was assigned was as a construction site supervisor which he had no inclination towards. That was the period when he developed a fascination for painting, sculpting, and montage photography. His construction site material served as paraphernalia for sculpting. He also tried his creativity at photography which would later model for his paintings. The pictures he took often featured desolate landscapes and rough surfaces which he translated into his paintings effectively.

On February 21st, 2005, Zdzisław Beksiński was discovered dead in his apartment. He was murdered by the son of his caretaker who stabbed him 17 times. The reason behind such a heinous act was Beksiński’s refusal to loan him some money.

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